Darth Vader's Mommy

Written on 12/27/2009

The love of a Mommy never ceases to amaze me. This morning it was displayed in the meticulous way that she helped our 3 yr old, Noah, put on his new Darth Vader outfit.

With the tenderness, she helped him get the body suit on...Next it was the belt; she explained what every little button and light was. Now it was time for the cape...according to him this is what makes him a super-hero! Mommy gently fits it to him and ties it on, while he is squirming with excitement. She puts the gloves on next...way too big, but she shows him how to get his fingers in the holes. Finally the moment has arrived: the MASK...oh, yes...he will BE Darth Vader. She slips it on his head, and for the briefest moment he poses for me to snap a few pictures...and then...the moment is gone. “I don’t like this mask” he whines. “It doesn’t fit right”. “These gloves are too big”...Mommy looks at me with a mixture of disappointment, frustration, and maybe...just maybe...a hint of anger. Her look says it all...”You better talk to your son!”

Now, this gets a bit sticky...It’s Christmas morning. We don’t want to ruin the morning by making too much of a big deal out of something that’s completely normal for a 3 yr old. I mean, thats as good an excuse as any...”He is only 3”...”It’s ok, it’s natural”. But I don’t want to miss such a great teachable moment. I call him to me & he climbs in my lap. Yes, it is true...it’s normal and natural...it’s his fallen nature. I explained to him about being thankful....how so many children have so much less...how some children live outside because they don’t have houses. He nods his understanding and he’s off & running....back to Mommy for hugs and thank-you’s. And she has forgotten all that happened just a few moments ago...Darth Vader is lucky to have such a loving mommy...and I’m lucky to be married to her.